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Hi @markatsafe, I am trying to read in a Microsoft SharePoint List (from a server not sharepoint online).

I have tried in both FME 2017.1 and FME 2018.1 and am having no luck. Can you please review the error message and let me know what the issue may be? I have been told that I have read-only permissions to the list.

Also, what do I put in the 'Site:' parameter? Is it the link to the actual list itself that I have read-only access to, or is to the 'Lists' folder or the base URL of the whole site? I am wondering if the issue is related to me only having access to one list on the site....

Thank you in advance



@aquamarine the Site (Dataset) parameter should be the domain of your sharepoint site. Then when you select Lists in the Constraints panel you should see the lists you have permission to read. If this doesn't work then it might be better to take up this with your local FME reseller so you can share your screen and determine where the problem lies (and share back here with the community the outcome) .

Things to check:

- version of Sharepoint - FME supports 2013 and higher

- they type of Apps (list) you're trying to access is supported by FME

There was a connection issue in FME 2017 but this was addressed in FME 2018.1 (build 18449 & higher)
