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I have a workflow which outputs MITAB in several languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese  and Chinese Simplified. These come out fine when I check them in MapInfo using the Microsoft AppLocale tool.



Now I want to add Korean to the workflow but I can't find any option in the MITAB writer Character Encoding list for this language. Could anyone help confirm this is a limitation?





Hi Jason,



unfortunately, the MapInfo TAB writer seems not to support Korean encoding - CP949. FME Readers and Writers (formats supported by FME 2013 SP1) > MapInfo TAB Reader/Writer > Writer Overview > ENCODING





I will add to Takashi's answer that this seems to be a limitation of MapInfo and their APIs and not the fault of FME.



It seems MapInfo 10 has very limited support for Unicode (if at all).





Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure MapInfo does supports Korean language, as Takashi mentions CP494 (rather than the more convenient Unicode), but it's a shame there is no direct encoding option in FME's MITAB Reader/Writer.



I think I have a workaround - to output to Shapefile in UTF-8 first then use MI's Universal Translator tool to convert to MITAB with the CP494 encoding.



