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Pardon my nomenclature, I suspect that's part of my problem.

I've been adding Mapinfo Readers as I've needed certain tables to be converted to CAD. That's left me with a list of 10 separate readers in the navigator.

Previously when I did something similar for MI > GML I just added ALL THE TABLES in a single Reader as a group.

Changing data sets is snap you just open the new set.

With the individually added one-reader-per-table I need to go into each Reader and open the corresponding table.

Is there a way to "group" these readers so I can open the referenced tab files as a set?

I'm afraid that's not possible.

The best way to handle this is to use the Import Feature Type and change the source parameter to include that Mapinfo file as well.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

The best way to handle this is to use the Import Feature Type and change the source parameter to include that Mapinfo file as well.

Thanks for the confirmation @redgeographics. Given that I just added all the files as a group reader and replaced all the individual readers with the group ones. Fairly painless.

