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I created a workspace that reads buildings from an existing CityGML dataset, sets appearance (color) to them with the AppearanceSetter, saves them as a new CityGML dataset, then uploads the dataset to Cesium ion with the CesiumIonConnector.


Destination dataset has been successfully created and the buildings are shown with expected color with FME Data Inspector.

Uploading to Cesium ion was also succeeded, but the buildings are shown with no color.


Is there any way to set a color to CityGML buildings showing on Cesium ion, through FME workspace?

You might have to take a look at the python package. It could be there is a way to set the Appearance theme. CityGML can support multiple appearances so it might be that there is some setting in the code which can be set to define which theme to use?

W​arning - sales pitch below


If you're interested in ​a command line CityGML to 3D tiles converter tool you can get in touch with us for a test, it can also convert directly from the 3DCityDB to 3D tiles

Hi @virtualcitymatt​ , thanks for your quick answer.

I would try the Python library.
