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Is FME able to read Civil 3D alignment station labels?

  • 13 January 2021
  • 3 replies

I'm seeing the following lines in the Translation Log:

AutoCAD Reader: Entity type of 'AeccDbAlignmentStationLabeling' found, but not supported. Skipping entity
AutoCAD Reader: Entity type of 'AeccDbAlignmentMinorStationLabeling' found, but not supported. Skipping entity

I'm reading a .DWG in as an AutoCAD Civil 3D format file. Am I interpreting this correctly that station labels are not supported by FME?

3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

@sarahbalabanov​  Unfortunately, as of FME 2020, the FME AutoCAD Map 3D reader does not yet support AutoCAD Civil 3D alignment station labels.

Badge +7

Is this still the case, as we are receiving the same error code in 2023.1

Userlevel 3
Badge +17

Hi, @cbalmbra1.

FME doesn't currently support these entity types. We have this backlogged [FMEENGINE-68243] for possible support (with enough demand). Also, could we request from you sample data containing some of these entities? Thanks!
