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I have an automated process which reads/writes data every 15 minutes to an ArcGIS Online feature service. It runs successfully most of the time but is fails periodically (not on any schedule). The failure message is:

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader: SSL certificate verification failed for host ''. HTTPS connections may not be secure. Disabling verification of SSL certificates. Message: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader: The server at '' does not appear to be an ArcGIS Portal instance. Verify that the host is a valid ArcGIS Portal

Has anyone experienced this before?

Hi @swach, very strange beacuse you wrote that this workspace run sucessfully every 15 minutes.

I have customer that use like REader ArcGIS Online without problem.

In some moments connection error may be happens, i believe.

What is the version your FME?



It is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. Usually it might fail once every few days (I believe due to random connection errors). Today it has been failing once or twice an hour.

It is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. Usually it might fail once every few days (I believe due to random connection errors). Today it has been failing once or twice an hour.

The Workspace was failed at these moments or the information appears only the Log file?



Are using FME Desktop 2017? And which Build?






It is running in FME Server 2016.1.2. The workspace fails and triggers an email

The FME Desktop is too version = 2016.1.2?

The FME Desktop is too version = 2016.1.2?

I found any information about the log installer about ArcGIS Online:



I dont know if it has relates your problem.





We are running 16673 and have 4-5 fme jobs that run every 3-5 minutes that do ETL up to AGOL and we haven't been getting those errors at all. In fact the biggest error that we have been getting is from our readers reading incomplete files. Is your organization forcing HTTPS in your settings?
