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I am creating a huge raster (10GB FFS). I need to save this as an FFS and then read it with different other workspaces and apply the raster as a texture etc.

Is there a better way to store the "temporary raster" ? Switching to JPEG does not work, TIFF will be to large and ECW will be too slow.

Due to memory issues I can not have the whole raster in memory.

Why would you need a raster that big? Think about your screen size or the screen thats ment to show this raster, does it need all those data in one file?

Hi @sigtill,

You should be able to use GeoTIFF, if you enable the BigTIFF option.

Hi @sigtill,

You should be able to use GeoTIFF, if you enable the BigTIFF option.

BigTiff does not handle JPEG-compression if I remember correctly



Why would you need a raster that big? Think about your screen size or the screen thats ment to show this raster, does it need all those data in one file?

Yes, that was a solution - however the clients wanted full resoultion - except when they got the files - then they wanted lower resoultion, as I told them :)



BigTiff does not handle JPEG-compression if I remember correctly



Idea to add Bigtiff to Jpeg geotiffs.

