It's hard to explain. I'm french guy and new in FME
I give you a "fmw" file and try to explain my problem. I try to transform an AIXM 4.5 file to an AIXM 5.1 file. This concern the "AirportHeliport" feature. I follow different examples on the FME website and some examples in my office.
I have a problem with the final schema. I try to obtain the "servedCity" structure at the end of the transformation but in the final output file (XML File) the structure "ARP" disappear ... I don't want that, but i don't understand why ...
So, if i connect the bookmark "servedCity" the result with ARP disappear and if i disconnect "servedCity" the result with ARP appear.what is wrong with the "geometryPropertysetter" transformer ? I saw it's necessary to use it with the XML_Geometry type but i don't understand why the structure in the xml file disappear
Please some help
My first Zip : airportheliport_without_servedcity.zip
My second zip : airportheliport_with_servedcity.zip
The problem seems to be with the IFME_Aggregate but why ???
My third zip : input file (a short example)