
How to convert the obj format to the b4dm tile format?

  • 8 November 2019
  • 1 reply

I have a large 3D model in the compression format. For conversion to the b3dm format I use scripts on github. But the output is only one file, and I need to split it into files up to 3 mg in size. If any ready-made solution or you need to write your own scripts?



How to make 3d tile in b3dm format?

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Hi @jasonreedsos,

If I'm understanding correctly that you're wanting to write to Cesium 3D tiles, have you given the Cesium 3D Tiles writer a try already by chance? This will write out a tileset.json that you can then bring into Cesium.

To split the file up into a certain size will likely require some trial and error to get the file size approximately the way you want it, as I don't believe we have any built in way to write an exact desired file size. I'm not too sure about this one without testing it out, perhaps someone else in the community would be able to suggest a way of splitting up the model?
