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I have got a set of polygons as result of my FME processes which I want to write to DGN and Excel (they carry different attributes like area, the country they are situated in etc.). When writing to DGN, the polygons get an igds_element_id I would like to use to identify the polygons in the Excel document as well, so that an user who opens the DGN and the Excel document is able to connect the polyon in Microstation with the respective row in Excel. Is it possible to control the creation of igds_element_ids before writing to DGN (like it is with fme_text_string -> igds_test_string), or do I have to generate an additional ID (is it possible to pass it to DGN?!) respectively merge the igds_element_ids with a second Workbench to my Excel rows after writing th DGN?


I'm a little lost at the moment when it comes to find a solution fot this 😵

After a quick test, I couldn't manually set the igds_element_id. I'm not very familiar with the DGN format, but here are a couple of ideas to try out:


So one way around this would be to try using a FeatureWriter to write to the DGN file and then connect that to an Excel Writer (You'll likely have to add a FeatureReader between the two to bring in the igds_element_id).


Another way around this is as you suggested, create another ID and see if you can relate the features in the DGN with the attributes in the Excel.

This should work as a workaround, thank you! But I'm still wondering if there is a more straightforward way to do this.
