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After completing the setup of the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) reader for Oracle, the following error occurs: "Unable to read from the table/feature class 'schema.table'. If 'schema.table' contains a class extension, make sure it is registered on this computer. It may be that 'schema.table' contains a feature type that is only available in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Server. If so, please install required ArcGIS Product, or if required product already installed, update Python Compatibility to 'Esri ArcGIS Python 2.7'. To update setting, go to: Navigator -> Workspace Parameters -> Scripting -> Python Compatibility". Please note that I changed my real database info to "schema.table" for security. I tried changing the Python version to 2.7, but I get the same error. I also tried creating the connection file in both Arc Pro 2.6.3 and Arc Catalog 10.6, but I got the same error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @phoolish_one​ 

Can you confirm that if this table is a geodatabase table or Oracle table? If this is an Oracle table please use Oracle reader

Another reason could be that you are using a custom extension such as ArcFM? If so, please ensure that you have the correct architecture i.e. 32bit vs 64bit and have the Class Extensions installed on the client machine.

See article Reading ArcFM Geodatabase data using FME
