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I want to use the FMX GoogleGeocoder but when I open it in workbench It say that my "AttributeCreator" doesn't have the right version (in FME 2013) and if I try it in FME 2012, It says my HTTP fetcher is not right too.


I need to build back the attributcreator for the "GG_FullAddress".


Any Idea how is the syntax?





according to the transformer description, the GoogleGeocoder requires FME 2014:





I know but when I place it in my FME 2013, I need to replace an attributeCreator and I dont have the parameter for the AttributeCreator.   Any Idea? can you tell me whats is created by the AttributeCreator, I'm shure I can re-create the same with FME 2013... AttributeCreator is not a transformer very very special!





I'm not quite sure I agree with your assessment of the AttributeCreator, it has some very interesting functionality (multiple feature attribute support) that was introduced in, you guessed it, FME 2014 🙂 But of course it isn't a given that these new functions are used here, only an in-depth analysis of the custom transformer could tell.



I suggest you install FME 2014 ( it is no problem to have several versions installed on the same pc as long as you install to separate directories) and have a look at it to evaluate the feasability of back-porting it to FME 2013.



Install FME 2014 - not an option here...  Big Business, Big TI, No admin for me.


If you could just have tell me what the attributecreator create for the "GG_FullAddress"...


That would be nice!



here you go.





Thank You David!


It works in FME 2013.  I have a last demand on this :


I still need another Transformer to "adapt" into the GoogleGeocoder : 


I need the AttirbuteCreator for the "encodedsignature" !


Can you do the same again!


Very appreciated, thank you!


I have a google key and like to use it too.


Thanks again!



that's easy, "encodedsignature" is set to an empty string. The value for this attribute is set in the following PythonCaller.





