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When using the Generic Reader and running a CSV file through it, is it possible to specify the CSV parameters somewhere. In the Log file when I run it as is I see:



Opening the GENERIC Reader on dataset `C:\\Temp\\Northgate_Edgbaston.csv'


CSV Reader: Opening CSV files in directory `C:\\Temp/\\'


CSV Reader: Separator Character: ','


CSV Reader: Skip Duplicate Delimiters: no


CSV Reader: Strip Quotes From Fields: no


CSV Reader: File Has Field Names: no


CSV Reader: Field Names Follow Header: no


CSV Reader: Number of Lines to Skip: 0


CSV Reader: Number of Footer Lines to Skip: 0


CSV Reader: Encoding name ''


CSV Reader: Allowing Spaces in Column Names: no


CSV Reader: Max features to scan for schema: 10000


CSV Reader: Opening dataset 'C:\\Temp\\Northgate_Edgbaston.csv'



But I'd like to be able to set these parameters so that I can specify that the CSV file has field names and to strip quotes from fields.



Thank you,






Appearently on the Generic reader not.


But if you use a csv reader for csv, you can do that in the parameter section on the reader.
Hi Peter,



Add a csv reader as a workspace resource, configure the reader's parameters to your liking and voila, the generic reader will use them.


This also applies to the generic writer, but with a dedicated writer of the formats used.


Hope this helps,


Thanks for your help, I've added a CSV Reader as Resource and got it to work fine. As it forced you to put a path in for the CSV file I've just put in '.' instead of a dummy file. This seems to be working fine.
