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is FME can be used to change name of file and folder and cut files in another?


If you prefer I don't want that FME read, i want to use it basically because i have 100 folders to tidy.



The FileCopy writer seems to be helpful.



ok, i'll try it



thank you
I tried but i have this message:



File Copy Writer: Skipped 99 features that were missing source datasets



How to use file copy?


For example in source i have example.mif and i link it with file copy?



As a basic usage, send a feature which has the source file path as an attribute named 'filecopy_source_dataset' to the File Copy writer, then the source file will be copied in the specified directory. If you need to copy multiple files at once, the wild card (*) can be also used in the source file path string.






You don't need to read the source data, just the source file path is necessary. Try first a simple workflow like this: Creator --> AttributeCreator     Name: filecopy_source_dataset     Value: C:\\<directory path>\\* --> File Copy Writer



You can just use the directory and files reader > file copy writer.
Ok, it works



But FME is not the good software for doing this, it's too long.


FME is ok for transformation and extract data but no more.



The most part of file copy / move operations will be done by the OS, FME just provides the user interface to select source / destination file paths. I guess there are other reasons for having consumed long time.



Yes you're right .


My computer having a task in the same time and i try on another and it's ok.



So it's possible, I was wrong about the time it takes



