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I'm using FME 2013 SP2 to translate GeoMedia parcel polygons into an ESRI File Geodatabase.  Many of my parcel polygons contain arc segments (curves) in their geometry.  When I write these polygons into my File Geodatabase, they are being stroked into numerous short line segments.  I don't have any ArcStroker transformers in my workspace, and the "Stroking Tolerance" setting in the Advanced Workspace Parameters is set to 0.



I'm using the GEODATABASE_FILE writer (ESRI Geodatabase, File Geodatabase ArcObjects) to write to my File Geodatabase.  I would switch to the FILEGDB writer (ESRI Geodatabase, File Geodatabase API) but then I can't specify an XML template file for building the geodatabase.



Is there some other setting I need to modify to get FME to stop stroking the arcs?
So I was able to narrow this down to a TopologyBuilder transformer.  I'm taking an existing GeoMedia polygon feature class and trying to fit them into point, line, and polygon feature classes in ArcGIS, from which I can build an ArcGIS topology.



It looks like no matter how I play with the settings on the TopologyBuilder transformer, it is always stroking the curves in the polygon boundaries.  Both the LINE and AREA outputs on the transformer contain stroked versions of the original curves.



Is this a limitation of the TopologyBuilder transformer?  I can't see anywhere in the FME documents that say it will stroke curves.


Per Safe tech support, this is a known issue with TopologyBuilder.  They have a PR filed for this issue.  Until the issue is resolved I'll just have to find another way to tackle this.