I'm using FME 2013 SP2 to translate GeoMedia parcel polygons into an ESRI File Geodatabase. Many of my parcel polygons contain arc segments (curves) in their geometry. When I write these polygons into my File Geodatabase, they are being stroked into numerous short line segments. I don't have any ArcStroker transformers in my workspace, and the "Stroking Tolerance" setting in the Advanced Workspace Parameters is set to 0.
I'm using the GEODATABASE_FILE writer (ESRI Geodatabase, File Geodatabase ArcObjects) to write to my File Geodatabase. I would switch to the FILEGDB writer (ESRI Geodatabase, File Geodatabase API) but then I can't specify an XML template file for building the geodatabase.
Is there some other setting I need to modify to get FME to stop stroking the arcs?