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Hi, I am new to FME, just learning bits and bobs as I go.

I am trying to connect an sql reader to a non spatial sql server.

No matter what I fill in for the connection it fails. The sql server is on a another pc which is part of a domain. For the server field of reader should I be writing an ip address or domain name or pc name too?

Any guidance would be appreciated.

@amgaad - You should just be able to type in the server name. If you use management studio, it is the same server name you connect using that (see below). Shouldn't need anything else. The database name is whatever your database is called (not the table, but the database). Also make sure you have the correct authentication set. If you use windows auth, make sure you have the correct permissions to connect to the database, if not you won't be able to connect.

What error are you specifically getting? Is it that the user/password failed, or that it can't find the server?
