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I am running FME Cloud and have been receiving a "winmail.dat" file in the email attachments and my feature reader that recognizes the attachments from the publisher is having difficulties with it. I read recently that Server has developed the ability to handle these files and extract the info from them, but I have yet to discover how.



Any help is much appreciated.



The ability to parse the 'winmail.dat' file was added in FME Server 2015.1 (build #15424). When the email is received, it will split the winmail file into its various attachments. For example, I have a server hosted on FME Cloud and I emailed in with a 'winmail.dat' attachment. This is the resulting JSON recording for the attachments using topic monitoring:







"email_publisher_attachment{1}": "/mnt/phoenix_tmpdir/20151110224835-email_in-test winmail/file1.txt",


"email_publisher_attachment{0}": "/mnt/phoenix_tmpdir/20151110224835-email_in-test winmail/image1.JPG",







This article should then help you to process email attachments:

