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Hi FME server experts,

When I am trying to run my workbench from FME server which read the data from arcSDE GDB i feced the below error :

"Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220952'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {The Product License has not been initialized}

Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`test', instance=`sde:oracle11g:test', user=`lb', password=`***', database=`', version=`SDE.DEFAULT')

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

I have installed ArcGIS pro software and configure the license configured to it "Advance".

I had a test to run the workbench from fme desktop it worked probably but the issue is with FME server.

anyone can assist me with this?



ArcGIS Pro is 64 bits (I believe). Is your FME Server setup also 64 bits?

The ArcGIS and FME Server configurations need to be the same (as far as bits go).

@gisuser​ - I've the same issue now with 64-bit Arcgis 10.6.1 installed. Any update on this issue please?

