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After installing Autodesk Revit 2019, I can not seem to get the FME Exporter in my Add-Ins tab. I also tried going to my FME Integration Console (following instructions from this page:, but there I don't have any application in the list to extend.


Anyone an idea how to get this working?

Hi @bakkermans,


I would double check the bit version or Revit and FME installs.


Its also possible that Revit 2019 is not compatible with the latest FME plug-in, I notice Revit 2019 isn't listed here:


( any ideas @AndreaAtSafe?

Bit versions are all 64bit. Would indeed be good to have an idea on compatibility with Revit 2019.

Hi @bakkermans,

We are working feverishly on creating a direct (*.rvt) reader for FME 2019, and so have stopped development on the FME Exporter.

However, FME's present Revit reader can also read IFC files (the RVZ is essentially a zipped IFC). I would recommend uninstalling the FME Exporter, then using Revit's native IFC exporter to create an IFC file.

You can use the FME Revit reader to read an IFC file by switching the file filter from *.rvz to *.*.

Hi @bakkermans,

We are working feverishly on creating a direct (*.rvt) reader for FME 2019, and so have stopped development on the FME Exporter.

However, FME's present Revit reader can also read IFC files (the RVZ is essentially a zipped IFC). I would recommend uninstalling the FME Exporter, then using Revit's native IFC exporter to create an IFC file.

You can use the FME Revit reader to read an IFC file by switching the file filter from *.rvz to *.*.

Thanks, this is what I was looking for. Export to IFC and read IFC with FME Revit Reader does the trick!
