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It appears as though an email address can only be associated with a single FME Cloud account... I wanted to add a new user to an existing FME Cloud account, but because the user already began the process of opening a personal account (using the same email address), he was unable to join the company account. He had to first complete the registration of his own account, and then close it, before he could be added as a user to the company account. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a way around this restriction?

Thank you,


Hello Courtney,

unfortunately there is no way around that restriction at the moment. We are aware that the experience to close a 'non completed' account is far from optimal (to put it gently) and we have an item on our todo list to improve it. As for having a user being part of multiple accounts, this is certainly something we could consider in the future, specially if we see that many users are running into that limitation. It would be a great candidate for the Ideas section so that we can gauge the interest.

Hello Courtney,

unfortunately there is no way around that restriction at the moment. We are aware that the experience to close a 'non completed' account is far from optimal (to put it gently) and we have an item on our todo list to improve it. As for having a user being part of multiple accounts, this is certainly something we could consider in the future, specially if we see that many users are running into that limitation. It would be a great candidate for the Ideas section so that we can gauge the interest.

Thank you! I will add it to the Ideas board.


Since March 2017 we allow users to be a member of multiple FME Cloud Accounts. Please check out this Idea for more details:
