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Hi guys!



How do I use the Smallword 4 Reader and Writer with Smallworld 4.1? (I need a step-by-step tutorial)



If I need to use Magik codes, post here, please.






have you looked at this recorded webcast?



Here is also an FMEPedia article about FME and Smallworld 4.x that might be relevant.



See also here for Magik etc.



Hi David,   I download all files in FTP and I tried to do this:


1 - Windows service file:


FME 30000/tcp #FME Smallworld



2 - Emacs - <F2>...<Z>...<Enter>



3 - Magik Code: $ smallworld_product.add_product("C:\\Smallworld\\fme_magik_400") $ smallworld_product.load_module(:fme_export_plugin) $ smallworld_product.load_module(:fme_import_plugin) $ smallworld_product.load_module(:swaf_fme_application) $ smallworld_product.use_file_for_user_data? << _true $!add_product('C:\\Smallworld\\cambridge_db\\') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_image_open') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_demog_application') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_elec_application') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_gis_application') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_swaf_dxf_application') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_swaf_embedded_dxf_application') $ sw_module_manager.load_module('cam_db_swaf_professional_application') $


4 - FME - Smallworld 4 Reader




Error message:


Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `SWORLDSWAF' Loaded module 'SWORLDSWAF' from file 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME\\SWORLDSWAF.dll' FME internal API version is '3.7 20121025'.  The 'SWORLDSWAF' module was built with FME API version '3.1 20031010' Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `SWORLDSWAF' FME internal API version is '3.7 20121025'.  The 'SWORLDSWAF' module was built with FME API version '3.1 20031010' Opening the Smallworld Reader on dataset `.' Smallworld Reader version: Number of Features: 0 Parameters   : 13 Parameter(0) : . Parameter(1) : SERVER Parameter(2) : localhost Parameter(3) : PORT Parameter(4) : 30000 Parameter(5) : SERVICE Parameter(6) : FME Parameter(7) : USER_NAME Parameter(8) : FME Parameter(9) : _MERGE_SCHEMAS Parameter(10) : YES Parameter(11) : RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES Parameter(12) : YES Starting TICS on localhost:30000 using service FME Unable to connect to Smallworld TICS Server. Is it running? A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Merged 0 schema features read from 1 datasets into 0 resulting feature types UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned Reader Parameter(0) = >< Reader Parameter(1) = >SERVER< Reader Parameter(2) = >localhost< Reader Parameter(3) = >PORT< Reader Parameter(4) = >30000< Reader Parameter(5) = >SERVICE< Reader Parameter(6) = >FME< Reader Parameter(7) = >USER_NAME< Reader Parameter(8) = >FME< Reader Parameter(9) = >_MERGE_SCHEMAS< Reader Parameter(10) = >YES< Reader Parameter(11) = >RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES< Reader Parameter(12) = >YES< Reader Directive(0) = >RUNTIME_MACROS< Reader Directive(1) = >SERVER,localhost,PORT,30000,SERVICE,FME,USER_NAME,FME,_MERGE_SCHEMAS,YES,RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES,YES,_MERGE_SCHEMAS,YES< Configuration object contents: FME Temporary Directory: C:\\FME_TEMP mapping file Line 0: `APPLICATION' `FME_WORKBENCH' mapping file Line 1: `AUTOREG' `YES' mapping file Line 2: `LOG_MAX_FEATURES' `-1' mapping file Line 3: `LOG_APPEND' `NO' mapping file Line 4: `FME_HOME' `C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME\\' mapping file Line 5: `FME_SESSION_USED' `FME_SESSION_USED' `TRUE' mapping file Line 6: `R_1_METAFILE' `SWORLDSWAF' mapping file Line 7: `R_1_SERVER' `localhost' mapping file Line 8: `R_1_PORT' `30000' mapping file Line 9: `R_1_SERVICE' `FME' mapping file Line 10: `R_1_USER_NAME' `FME' mapping file Line 11: `R_1__MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES' mapping file Line 12: `R_1_RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES' `YES' mapping file Line 13: `R_1_SERVER' `localhost' mapping file Line 14: `R_1_PORT' `30000' mapping file Line 15: `R_1_SERVICE' `FME' mapping file Line 16: `R_1_USER_NAME' `FME' mapping file Line 17: `R_1__MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES' mapping file Line 18: `R_1_MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES' mapping file Line 19: `R_1_RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES' `YES' mapping file Line 20: `R_1__MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES' mapping file Line 21: `R_1_MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES' mapping file Line 22: `R_1_DATASET' `.' mapping file Line 23: `SCHEMA_TIME' `YES' mapping file Keyword: `R_1_MERGE_SCHEMAS'                      occurs 2 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `LOG_MAX_FEATURES'                       occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `AUTOREG'                                occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_SERVER'                             occurs 2 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `SCHEMA_TIME'                            occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_SERVICE'                            occurs 2 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `LOG_APPEND'                             occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES'           occurs 2 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `FME_SESSION_USED'                       occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_METAFILE'                           occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_DATASET'                            occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_USER_NAME'                          occurs 2 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `FME_HOME'                               occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1_PORT'                               occurs 2 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `APPLICATION'                            occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `R_1__MERGE_SCHEMAS'                     occurs 3 time(s) UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned  




My config:
  • Windows Server 2008 x64
  • Smallworld 4.1 x86 
  • FME Desktop SP3 Build 13528 x86
  • FME Smallworld module: sw_fme_400



Do I missed a step?


What Did I do Wrong?



(Thanks for the answer David)



I'm sorry to say I have very little experience with Smallworld and cannot help help you with the details in this case.



Unless somebody with more experience can chime in here, I suggest you forward your question to Safe support.



OK, thanks David.
