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On writing data using the ArcSDE 10.1 Geodatabase writer in FME 2015 to an existing featureclass ( ArcGIS 10.0 client), the translation reports a success but no records can be found in A or base tables. I then delete the spatial index for the featureclass and then load and this time it works. My questions are:
a) Why does the above happen without a good notification?
b) What are the best practices for loading- delete spatial index, load and the rebuild?

Hi @adriancoelho

With databases FME submits the features to them, at which point it considers its work done and reports the translation a success. However, sometimes the database then rejects the features and so no records can be found. It's a scenario we definitely want to improve on.

In general, yes I would drop an index, load the data, then rebuild. It really depends on how many features there are and the transaction interval (not sure if Geodatabase has a transaction interval, but I'll mention it anyway). If the transaction interval is small, then drop the index first. If it's larger than the number of features (i.e. all features are committed at once) then you may as well keep the index I think.

In this case it's hard to say what the problem was. My first thought is that your features were missing compulsory values for the index key, so got dropped - or that there is a unique key constraint that they violated. If you try and recreate the index after loading does it work?

Hope this helps


Thanks for your response Mark. Yes, improving the tool to verify if the data is actually commited to the objects in the database is really important to have. is there plan for this in the coming releases? We use the Changedetector to identify features based on CRCCalculator and then pipe features to Insert and Delete ports, so in that case there is no unique constriant violation.

Also, I recreated the index but susequent translation fails to load data. Also, we have a mix of work using ArcGS 10 & 10.1 clients aagainst ArcSDE 10.1. I have seen issues with spatial indexes with these versions of ArcGIS when FME attempts to load data. I can't seem to find if others have reported this kind of issue too.
