I have a point.shp with items of X_coord and Y_coord, which is the centroid location. Eventually will have some 10,000's of images in folders and subfolders. I can do via QGIS, GDAL, excel, and DOS, but i'd like to see if FME has more streamlined process.
Trying to rename Images and Image world files recursively and with subfolders. for example;
existing file(s): 0805_IDA_STR233_001.ecw \\ .eww
XY_concat: 1549962.5_16362527.5
Folder location: S:\\GO_GO_02\\CAD\\GIS\\GIS3\\Reports\\Ortho\\0805\\0805_IDA_STR233
New file(s) rename: 1549962.5_16362527.5_0805_001
I have seen some mentions of python scripts inside FME to perform the renaming, and this may work if there are no transformers available, but then might as well use the DOS RENAME feature.