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I would like to know how to convert SHP file with its attributes to DGN . DGN should include all data and its  attribute .



have you tried to open FME Workbench, then selecting File / New... / Generate workspace?



That usually does the trick. It also gives you a good basis for further transformations, if needed.




Well DGN doesn't support attributes in the same way as other formats do.



Either you'd have to write them as tags (set the Writer parameter "Write Tags" to Yes - by default it will be No) or you would need to write the attributes to a separate database and then create an mslink connection in DGN.



This page should help if you want to write mslinks. Oh, and for tags you would need to use the V8 writer. I don't believe the V7 version supports that.



Hope this helps






Mark Ireland


Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc
