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I'm attempting to use Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service writer in FME 2017. I get the following error: The dataset '*******.*******.com\\portal' does not appear to be a valid domain. Verify that the dataset is a valid host. Records seems to pass along the connector to the writer but log file shows no features were written.

Hi @lhamlin,


When entering a portal URL to connect to, typically there is a web adaptor component to the URL needed e.g. (some additional info is here : May I ask if you could give this a shot? Additionally, slashes in the URL would be expected to be '/' as opposed to '\\'.




Hi Annabelle and thank you for the prompt response. I did add the https:// to the URL and flipped the slashes and I'm getting a different error: "This may be a temporary server issue, or insufficient permissions. The error code from the server was '499' and the message was: 'Token Required'"

Seems like a token issue... I have no problem setting up the writer using Kerberos windows authentication and I'm able to select the feature service to write to but get the error when running the job.

Any guidance is much appreciated!


Hi Annabelle and thank you for the prompt response. I did add the https:// to the URL and flipped the slashes and I'm getting a different error: "This may be a temporary server issue, or insufficient permissions. The error code from the server was '499' and the message was: 'Token Required'"

Seems like a token issue... I have no problem setting up the writer using Kerberos windows authentication and I'm able to select the feature service to write to but get the error when running the job.

Any guidance is much appreciated!


HI @lhamlin, did you figure out what the problem was? We experience the same problem and I am curious whether there is a solution for this.



Still no solution. I started with a Safe chat session and the representative recommended I raise a question to the community. Perhaps I should start a new chat session...

Still no solution. I started with a Safe chat session and the representative recommended I raise a question to the community. Perhaps I should start a new chat session...

Hello Luke, It's not working for us too. It think I will raise a case for Safe.



Please read the answer on this thread that worked for our portal. There is still a pending PR case that I have is updating an existing portal feature layer.
