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I'm experiencing a strange behaviour with the File Geodatabase writer (GEODATABASE_FILE). Everything works when I write to the database from the cache but I get and error when I try to run the complete workspace from the start (with or without caching).

I tried so many scenarios, but I always get an error while running everything from the scratch.

Here are the few screenshots showing successful scenario and a writing error.

Does somebody have similar experience and what might be a solution to this?

I'm using FME 2020.2.3.0 (build 20820) and have localy installed ArcGIS Pro 2.8.1


1) run to this (from the cache to the database; last step of the workflow)

2) success; features are written to the database

3) rerun entire workflow

4) error running transaction


Are you reading from and writing to the same file geodatabase? Because that does not work as a read process locks the file geodatabase, so it can't write.

Are you reading from and writing to the same file geodatabase? Because that does not work as a read process locks the file geodatabase, so it can't write.

No, the database is created on the fly.

No, the database is created on the fly.

Does the target file geodatabase exist at runtime? Because if not "Overwrite Existing Geodatabase" = "Yes" might cause this.

No, the database is created on the fly.

unfortunately it is not that easy :)

I've already tried"Overwrite Existing Geodatabase" = "No"  and at the same time I've removed the database manualy (if the database was already there) before running the translation but the result is always the same.

Later I've changed that to "Yes".

I think I've tried all combinations also without dynamyc schema but the only possible way to write to the database is from the cache.

Anyway, thank you for your answer.

No, the database is created on the fly.

Too bad. With these symptoms (succes when running partially, failure when running whole) I would expect the source of the issue lies in the reading and writing of the same file(s).


And how about rerunning the entire workspace with featurecaching off? I see you already tried this.

I suspected that FME was trying to write to the database too soon, so I used Feature Holder, but that also didn’t help.

Frustrating :)

Hi @stipica.pavicic​ ,

Using ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x is not supported with FME 2020.2.3 - you can see this warning in the log file in your screenshot.

While it does seem to work for you in a particular scenario, given this behaviour is unexpected I believe this is a result of the version incompatibility with FME and ArcGIS Pro.

Please try FME 2021.0.2 or newer with ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x -


I just created this Idea because of this error:


Me and some colleagues had this issue not understanding what goes wrong, this is pretty frustrating.


Also we aren't always able to install the latest versions because of FME Server and Arcgis Portal being on a specific version. Please support multiple versions of ArcGIS Pro writers on one FME version.

Hi @stipica.pavicic​ ,

Using ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x is not supported with FME 2020.2.3 - you can see this warning in the log file in your screenshot.

While it does seem to work for you in a particular scenario, given this behaviour is unexpected I believe this is a result of the version incompatibility with FME and ArcGIS Pro.

Please try FME 2021.0.2 or newer with ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x -


This is pretty strange behavior. That we can write data with featureCache on but are unable to write running the complete workbench. What causes that?

Hi @stipica.pavicic​ ,

Using ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x is not supported with FME 2020.2.3 - you can see this warning in the log file in your screenshot.

While it does seem to work for you in a particular scenario, given this behaviour is unexpected I believe this is a result of the version incompatibility with FME and ArcGIS Pro.

Please try FME 2021.0.2 or newer with ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x -


I'm aware of that FME doesn't support arcgis pro 2.8.x but at the moment it is not so easy for me t downgrade ArcGIS pro. I will definetly try to do that. I hope that will help.


I just created this Idea because of this error:


Me and some colleagues had this issue not understanding what goes wrong, this is pretty frustrating.


Also we aren't always able to install the latest versions because of FME Server and Arcgis Portal being on a specific version. Please support multiple versions of ArcGIS Pro writers on one FME version.

I fully agree that much better log entry is needed. Normally warning shouldn't be a cause for such an error or failed translation.

Hi @stipica.pavicic​ ,

Using ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x is not supported with FME 2020.2.3 - you can see this warning in the log file in your screenshot.

While it does seem to work for you in a particular scenario, given this behaviour is unexpected I believe this is a result of the version incompatibility with FME and ArcGIS Pro.

Please try FME 2021.0.2 or newer with ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x -


FME 2020.2.3.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.7 generate exactly the same error.

This time, of curse, without incompatibility warning.s6 

FME 2020.2.3.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.7 generate exactly the same error.

This time, of curse, without incompatibility warning.s6 

Thanks for the feedback. Can you share your workspace?

I would like to have a look at it and try to reproduce you issue.

FME 2020.2.3.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.7 generate exactly the same error.

This time, of curse, without incompatibility warning.s6 

I've opened support case after posting question here. Is that also visible to the community?


I'm not sure what to do to avoid confusion caused by two entries.

FME 2020.2.3.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.7 generate exactly the same error.

This time, of curse, without incompatibility warning.s6 

Here is the FME Template file so tht you can try it yourself.


FME 2020.2.3.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.7 generate exactly the same error.

This time, of curse, without incompatibility warning.s6 

Writing to the database without an error using cache :

1) disable wirter

2) run the workspace with the cache enabled

3) enable writer

4) run just the last step from the cache: "Run To This" option (see attached screenshot s1.png)

Can you provide a complete log?

There seems to be more to it than just the last lines.

Save it as .txt and upload it to a comment.

Can you provide a complete log?

There seems to be more to it than just the last lines.

Save it as .txt and upload it to a comment.

i've opened this as a support case with all necessary information.

I don't know how to connect this post/sqestion with the support case.

ayway, here is the log.

I've managed to get what I need with the FME 2021.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.8.

I do get some errors due to schema errors but that is easy to fix and it is not related with this post.


It is strange that those errors caused no problems while writing to the database from the cache.


Thank you all for your comments!

I've managed to get what I need with the FME 2021.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.8.

I do get some errors due to schema errors but that is easy to fix and it is not related with this post.


It is strange that those errors caused no problems while writing to the database from the cache.


Thank you all for your comments!

Thanks for the update @stipica.pavicic​ !

Glad to hear that it is working with FME 2021.0 and ArcGIS Pro 2.8.

