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Dans mon workbench, j'ai plusieurs sortie (Writer) qui doivent toutes s'enregistrer dans le même dossier : j'ai 4 sorties CSV qui fonctionnent sans probléme.

Mais j'ai 2 sorties qui ne veulent pas s'écrire, j'ai le message d'erreur suivant :

"TEXTLINE Writer: Cannot create dataset: 'C:\\Users\\B09278\\Documents\\2_Projet\\6_DATAPOSTE\\2_Moulinette_integration\\Fichier_integration' of type Directory, expected a dataset of type Regular file"

J'ai essayé plusieurs formats de sortie sans succés (CSV, XLS, Txt). Je n'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi ces fichiers ne s'écrivent pas.

Pouvez-vous m'aider?

Merci d'avance,






In my workbench, I have several output (Writer) that must all register in the same folder: I have 4 CSV outputs that work without problem.

But I have 2 outputs that do not want to write, I have the following error message:

"TEXTLINE Writer: Can not create dataset: 'C: \\ Users \\ B09278 \\ Documents \\ 2_Project \\ 6_DATAPOSTE \\ 2_Minutes_integration \\ Integration_File' Regular file"

I tried several unsuccessful output formats (CSV, XLS, Txt). I can not understand why these files are not written.

Can you help me?

Thank you in advance,


Bonjour @audreydm95,

Is it possible your destination of the writer is an existing folder? Try setting the 'destination' in your text file to something like C:\\Users\\B09278\\Documents\\2_Projet\\6_DATAPOSTE\\2_Moulinette_integration\\Fichier_integration\\MonFichierDeText.txt

Hope this helps?


Thank you @becchr!

That was it! I wasn't see that the file name was absent.
