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CityGML writer created the following line automatically.


<core:CityModel xmlns:brid="" .....


I would like to change the text after <core:CityModel to other text.

Could you tell me the procedure?

Hi @bigapplerizzi19​,


I believe that line is added based on the selection of the CityGML Version parameter:


The easiest way to change this would be by changing the CityGML Version using the parameter mentioned above (this is likely the recommended approach). Alternatively, if you want to get rid of the core:CityModel text in general, you can set the Writer Driven by CityGML Schema parameter to No (Deprecated Backward Compatible).


Another way to do this would be to use a FeatureWriter to write out the CityGML file and use a FeatureReader to read the file you just created in as a Text File. From here, you can simply replace the text with a StringReplacer and write it back out as a GML file using the Text File Writer (see attached for an example where I change the schema from 2.0 to 1.0).

Hello @chrisatsafe​ 


Thank you for your support.

TestCityGMLWriter is very helpful for me.


However, Aggregator transformer is take a long time to process it.


Best regard,


Hello @chrisatsafe​ 


Thank you for your support.

TestCityGMLWriter is very helpful for me.


However, Aggregator transformer is take a long time to process it.


Best regard,


Glad that helped!


You can do without the Aggregator if you change the text file reader parameters to read the entire file at once. This will bring the entire .gml file as a single text feature rather than line by line which allows you to skip the Aggregator step.2020-10-07_9-53-23

Hi @chrisatsafe​ 


Thank you for your support.

I could skip the Aggregator according to your suggestion and the process could finished in a few seconds.


Best regards,
