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Curious question w/ FME making strides in the industry. Does it have capability of extracting lets say a manhole cover using PointCloudStatisticsCalculator (or any other transformer) with an average Z value and intensity?


Do you have a separate file with the locations of the manholes and you want to get the z values? Or you would like to locate them from point cloud alone?

Assuming you want to find the manhole cover in the point cloud I think the answer would be "it depends..."

It would be very useful if you have additional data to support this process, for example road polygons (assuming manhole covers only appear in roads) and if there's a way, either by elevation or by color, to seperate them from the surrounding road surface. But... the differences you'd be looking for would be very small. Possibly even down to nonexistent in case of elevation (if the manhole cover is flush with the road surface)


Do you have a separate file with the locations of the manholes and you want to get the z values? Or you would like to locate them from point cloud alone?
Just the point cloud, as redgeographics stated manholes would be pretty difficult due to the Z valve. If I were to try an do this same process with power poles using color (intensity) and Z value could this be accomplished?



Just the point cloud, as redgeographics stated manholes would be pretty difficult due to the Z valve. If I were to try an do this same process with power poles using color (intensity) and Z value could this be accomplished?



Power poles would be easier unless there's trees or tall buildings nearby. It would depend on your point cloud resolution though if you want to track them by z-value. Also, it would be very difficult to distinguish a power pole from a streetlight (basically anything tall and skinny...)



@dmitribagh is the man to ask about this. Hopefully he'll see this and chime in. I know he had an example of highlighting or extracting power poles and cables. But, as others have said, manholes might be a step too far.

