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Does anyone know how to how to create ESRI feature class and Attachment table from a ArcGIS Online Hosted feature service with attachments? I am trying to find the most efficient way to move a hosted feature layer with attachments to a Geodatabase to create a feature class with attachments.

have a look here, seems to be a bit of discussion around it

Thanks for the heads up

have a look here, seems to be a bit of discussion around it

I am actually looking for a workflow to pull attachments from an AGOL hosted feature layer and move them into a feature class and associated attachment table in a Geodatabase. It is the opposite of what is discussing. I appreciate your feedback. Definitely a good to know if I am planning to add attachments to a hosted feature layer.

Hi @jasonclemis​ 

Please use this article as a reference point (Writing ArcGIS Geodatabase Attachments)

Reading attachments on ArcGISOnline is quite simple, you will have to expose _attachment attributes in the Reader Feature Type properties dialog. Hope this helps 🙂
