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Hello, i have 3 csv writers, one is a header record from an sql database that has 10 fields. the second is the main body of the file i'm writing and this has 12 fields. the third a footer record again read from a sql database. to write them as one csv output i use a file name attribute the same for the 3 files with the second and third appended. my problem is the output file only shows ten fields not the twelve as defined by the structure in the writer. does anybody know how to overcome this. Thanks

Sounds like you need to define the two missing fields in the header as well.

Sounds like you need to define the two missing fields in the header as well.

hello, thanks for reply. the issue is the header record is for a dtf file they are not field headers as such. the header record is for the receiving application, from this it knows the structure of the body of the file. thanks



hello, thanks for reply. the issue is the header record is for a dtf file they are not field headers as such. the header record is for the receiving application, from this it knows the structure of the body of the file. thanks



Can you share your workspace? And what the output is supposed to look like?

Sounds like you need to define the two missing fields in the header as well.

hello again thanks for your quick response. I've been checking my output using the data inspector, when I actually go to the file location and I open the output with notepad the file is as it should be. sorry if I've wasted your time but as you can imagine I both pleased but not sure why data inspector would do this. thanks
