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I'm trying to represent our city in a Minecraft world with the following data:

  • dem (geotiff)
  • ground cover (polygon shapefile)
  • rails (polyline shapefile)
  • buildings (obj)
  • trees (point shapefile)

Now, in the final Minecraft world the trees (and rails) are always "swallowed" by the surrounding ground cover. The thing is, I can see that the block ID is correct in the point cloud just before it enters the Minecraft writer. But after, they disappear and are replaced by the surrounding block IDs.


I tried buffering the tree points up to 1m (because of the 1m block size in Minecraft) and cutting holes in the ground cover, but still the result is the same.

Does anyone have an idea where the problem is?


Do you need some screenshots for clarification?

Thanks a lot! Natalie

Maybe you could round the pointcloud to round x y z values. It sounds like there are points within the same x y z area with different blockID values. Then the writer needs to deside what point it should use and does not pick the tree point.

Maybe you could round the pointcloud to round x y z values. It sounds like there are points within the same x y z area with different blockID values. Then the writer needs to deside what point it should use and does not pick the tree point.


Thank you for your answer. I actually tried to round the coordinates of the tree points (didn't work). But yeah, maybe I could also try to round the final point cloud to whole numbers.

Hi Natalie @afsbrt,

have your read my article about creating Minecraft worlds?


It has a lot of information, tips and tricks, and downloadable examples, which you can use and adjust to your data. If this does not help, feel free to contact me directly at


Hi Natalie @afsbrt,

have your read my article about creating Minecraft worlds?


It has a lot of information, tips and tricks, and downloadable examples, which you can use and adjust to your data. If this does not help, feel free to contact me directly at


Yes, I did! The framework of my workspace actually is from the Bowen Island example.


I know that it 'should' work with the plants and the rails, but it still doesn't...



Hi Natalie @afsbrt,

have your read my article about creating Minecraft worlds?


It has a lot of information, tips and tricks, and downloadable examples, which you can use and adjust to your data. If this does not help, feel free to contact me directly at


I found the problem!


If I leave out this part in the Minecraft Rasterizer transformer "PointCloudExpressionEvaluator4" (see screenshot attached), the plants don't grow.



I initially disabled that expression evaluator because it flattened the terrain which I didn't like. And also I don't really understand what the expression is doing (especially all the 50s).



Do you think you could explain it to me?


It's the following expression (also visible in the screenshot):


Component z = 50.0/@Value(_z_max)*@Component(z)+50+@Component(vertical_offset)+50



Best wishes






I found the problem!


If I leave out this part in the Minecraft Rasterizer transformer "PointCloudExpressionEvaluator4" (see screenshot attached), the plants don't grow.



I initially disabled that expression evaluator because it flattened the terrain which I didn't like. And also I don't really understand what the expression is doing (especially all the 50s).



Do you think you could explain it to me?


It's the following expression (also visible in the screenshot):


Component z = 50.0/@Value(_z_max)*@Component(z)+50+@Component(vertical_offset)+50



Best wishes






Update: I replaced all the 50s with z_max and that works well for me, but to be honest I still don't understand why it works ;)


