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I am reading data from a PostGIS table and writing to an ArcGIS eSDE, but I’m not able to create tables in the eSDE from FME, I can only write to tables created by ArcGIS Pro in the eSDE, is this normal?   I'm getting an ArcObjects error ‘-2147220655’, DBMS table not found.


My guess is you use a connection file with permissions to insert update delete, but not create tables? Do you use the same connection file as you use in Pro?

I’m able to write to tables that already exist in the sde, just not create new tables in the sde using FME.  I have to create the table in ArcGIS Pro, then write to it.  

I’m able to write to tables that already exist in the sde, just not create new tables in the sde using FME.  I have to create the table in ArcGIS Pro, then write to it.  

Yes I understand. But do you use the same connectionfile when working from PRO and when using FME?

I’m able to write to tables that already exist in the sde, just not create new tables in the sde using FME.  I have to create the table in ArcGIS Pro, then write to it.  

Yes I understand. But do you use the same connectionfile when working from PRO and when using FME?

Yes.  Same login and user. 
