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I'm having an issue where FeatureWriters sometimes refuse to overwrite geodatabases previously populated with features loaded from the same translation. I receive the same (or very similar) error messages as found in this thread:

I am currently using the following Table parameters for my FeatureWriters (in several translations):

Feature Operation: Insert

Table Handling: Drop and Create

A solution to this problem in my case is to delete the target feature class and reload the translations, but going forward this is not viable as these translations will be running on an automated basis and my client prefers very little (if any) maintenance to files or translations and doesn't want to delete feature classes and run one or two of these manually every week.

I tried using "Overwrite Feature Class" in the writer parameters, but that does not work at all. I receive an error message that the GDB is locked, even though the only machine accessing it is the FME machine.

A portion of the log is found below. I'm using FME Desktop 2018.

I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Geodatabase Error (-2147418113): Unexpected operation. FileGDB Writer: Could not disable Load Only Mode for feature type ''

Geodatabase Error (-2147418113): Unexpected operation. FileGDB Writer: Could not free Write Lock for feature type ''

Hello @ronaldmcoker,


Taking a look at the log snippet you attached. The format you are trying looks to be the File Geodatabase Open API(FILEGDB) format, is that correct? If so, are you able to try the Esri Geodatabase(File Geodb) format? In the Workbench Navigator, this format should show up as Geodatabase_File. If that does not work, please let me know.

Hello @ronaldmcoker,


Taking a look at the log snippet you attached. The format you are trying looks to be the File Geodatabase Open API(FILEGDB) format, is that correct? If so, are you able to try the Esri Geodatabase(File Geodb) format? In the Workbench Navigator, this format should show up as Geodatabase_File. If that does not work, please let me know.
Hi Trent,


You're correct about the writer type. For some reason the Open API version was selected in this particular translation and no others.


Thanks for your help.




I had this same exact thing happen today. I had a couple issues that were causing it to happen. I was writing table data and using featuremergers to merge geometry of data into my tables. My attributes names did not align properly with the attribute names being created by my feature type. I noticed this by expanding the output of the transformer immediately before my writer feature type and saw that the underscores reference in my feature type were not present. For some reason, the arrow on the writer feature type was green and when I opened up the user attribute list within the feature type parameters, they also showed all green. Regardless I added a bulkattributerenamer and using a regular expression ( |&|\\(|\\)|-|/|\\?) renamed all attributes to replace the characters the regular expression finds with an underscore. This fixed my issue. I would say check all of your attributes and transformers going into feature types to verify the attribute creation is lining up with all of your user attributes.I had this same exact thing happen today. I had a couple issues that were causing it to happen. I was writing table data and using featuremergers to merge geometry of data into my tables. My attributes names did not align properly with the attribute names being created by my feature type. I noticed this by expanding the output of the transformer immediately before my writer feature type and saw that the underscores reference in my feature type were not present. For some reason, the arrow on the writer feature type was green and when I opened up the user attribute list within the feature type parameters, they also showed all green. Regardless I added a bulkattributerenamer and using a regular expression ( |&|\\(|\\)|-|/|\\?) renamed all attributes to replace the characters the regular expression finds with an underscore. This fixed my issue.I had this same exact thing happen today. I had a couple issues that were causing it to happen. I was writing table data and using featuremergers to merge geometry of data into my tables. My attributes names did not align properly with the attribute names being created by my feature type. I noticed this by expanding the output of the transformer immediately before my writer feature type and saw that the underscores reference in my feature type were not present. For some reason, the arrow on the writer feature type was green and when I opened up the user attribute list within the feature type parameters, they also showed all green. Regardless I added a bulkattributerenamer and using a regular expression ( |&|\\(|\\)|-|/|\\?) renamed all attributes to replace the characters the regular expression finds with an underscore. This fixed my issue.
