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Hi....I am trying to figure out how to convert 4 band high resolution raster TIFFs to black and white raster TIFFs....I'm not have much luck searching around.....I'm using FME 2013 Pro.....any tips are greatly appreciated.....Scott



I have personally never tried this, but I would start by looking at the RasterInterpretationCoercer where it is possible to set the destination interpretation type to something like GRAY8 or GRAY16.



If you have no further processing to be done using FME, you could also consider doing it with a command line tool in ImageMagick.



I would loko at the RasterExpressionEvaluator together with some formulas here:



Should absolutely be possible!
The RasterExpressionEvaluator is possible using a formula similar to the one here. Alternatively I have also done this crudely by using the:



RasterInterpretationCoercer - to coerce the image to greyscale, then


RasterBandMinMaxExtractor - to extract the min max of the cell range, then followed by 2


RasterCellValueReplacer(s) - where I set say values within the range, perhaps 0 to 127 to 0 (black) and the second transformer 127 to 255 to a new value of 255 (white). 



Then write out the raster. Hope that helps.
right, there are plenty of software out there that can have futher tiff processing  raster tiff to black and white is not a simple job at all. i have experienced that.
