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Hey Everyone, it is me again with some more annoying questions!

I have fulfilled most of my requirements for writing out to a CityModel. However, there is one req that is outstanding: adding the gml:id to the CityModel itself.

i have followed the CityModel Templates that are available through hub, and have added an attribute (gml_id) for the citymodel feature, and exposed it as a format parameter. but it still does not write to the output GML file.

I have even replicated the same ID as the gml_parent_id parameter in the building feature, but still no luck. It is very frustrating!

Here are some screenshots of my workbench, and inspector against the CityModel Feature Class / table or however you would refer to it when in inspector. You will see it is using FME Generated ID, and actually the GML has it missing.

The above workflow is just a snippet - the full workflow includes the buildings and surfaces also.

Many Thanks in advances for any time anyone spends in helping me figure this one out!

Kind Regards,


Hi @steveway - What tutorial(s) from FME Hub have you followed? Are you able to share your .fmw workspace here with an example source dataset?


Hi @steveway,

There is a setting/parameter on the CityGML writer that's called "Remove Auto-Generated GML IDs When Possible". You could try setting that to Yes maybe?

You have to make sure that your ID's are truly unique though, else FME will auto-generate them anyway.

Hi Sander, Yes i have done that already.



Hi @steveway - What tutorial(s) from FME Hub have you followed? Are you able to share your .fmw workspace here with an example source dataset?


Hi rylan - I think i have followed all of them! I have spent a lot of time on documentation / tutorials on this topic.



Unfortunatly, i cannot share anything as it is my customer's data - but the above flow is the important part for writing to the "CityModel" object of the cityGML writer.



I am adding the gml_id attribute, and setting a value - this is not writing.



As a workaround right now, i am post-processing the GML with a custom Java class which adds the gml:id for me (along with generating XLINK references for the building solid that FME does not yet support).



Hi Sander, Yes i have done that already.



Hmm... though one then. Since you can't share your workspace, I'm not able to see what goes wrong here, but it seems to me that your Java class workaround is justified, since you need to generate these XLINK's anyway...!


Hello @steveway


I talked with the developers and we feel this should work as is. With it not working, would you mind submitting a case via



This will allow us to try and repro the behavior and apply a fix.



Glad to see your workaround does the trick though!
