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Hi, we would like create some terrain models for cesium - is it possible to create TIN quantised meshes that are directly compatible with CesiumJS?

Thank you

Hi @olivermorris,

Unfortunately, support for Cesium quantized meshes hasn't been added yet, but it looks like other users in the FME Community are interested in this functionality as well - originally asked here. This has also been suggested on our Ideas page and it exists as an enhancement request in our tracking system.

Please feel free to upvote and contribute to the original idea by adding your own comments to help us understand your use-case! We will be sure to provide any updates on Quantized Mesh support on the Ideas Page.

P.S. If you would like to be notified by email regarding updates to the enhancement request, please submit a case referencing FMEENGINE-57112.

Hi @olivermorris,

Unfortunately, support for Cesium quantized meshes hasn't been added yet, but it looks like other users in the FME Community are interested in this functionality as well - originally asked here. This has also been suggested on our Ideas page and it exists as an enhancement request in our tracking system.

Please feel free to upvote and contribute to the original idea by adding your own comments to help us understand your use-case! We will be sure to provide any updates on Quantized Mesh support on the Ideas Page.

P.S. If you would like to be notified by email regarding updates to the enhancement request, please submit a case referencing FMEENGINE-57112.

thanks upvoted!

any news here? Fiddling with the buggy docker cesium terrian builder isn't really a joy.


We love processing our terrain data with fme, so the addition of a cesium terrain writer would be the completion of cesium data authoring tasks...

any news here? Fiddling with the buggy docker cesium terrian builder isn't really a joy.


We love processing our terrain data with fme, so the addition of a cesium terrain writer would be the completion of cesium data authoring tasks...

Hi @reservoirdog, the idea that Chris refers to above is currently still in the queue, I would suggest adding a vote to the idea as suggested by Chris.
