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I'm trying to use FME to create cesium 3D Tiles tileset of buildings, including attributes. In the specification of b3dm format, it's done using property named batchID, witch makes it possible to assign verticies to defined batchID and assign attributes to it. It makes it possible to have single model with many buildings to have good performance, and still have possibility to read properties of individual buildings.

In my workspace i have properly defined buildings and i can see, that in the inspector thay are viewed correctly. Each building is separate from others, and has its own properties. However, after exporting to Cesium 3D Tiles, the models are combined and entire tile has properties from first object in tile.

Are there any extra steps needed to make it work? Do i need to define batchID manually?


I'm in the same boat with you, do you find any good solutions to make it work for you?

Hi @bogoos666 thank you for your question. Would either you or @asuxwq1991 be able to share your workspace with some sample data, so one of our experts can reproduce your problem and come up with a solution? Also which version of FME and Cesium are you using? Thank you.

Hello?i meet with the same problem.Please ask if it's resoved?

Hi @bogoos666, @asuxwq1991, @9lovingly:

We've got some good news! This was found to be an issue with new specs from Cesium and how the batchID was defined. The fix for this was released earlier this year with FME 2018. Please let us know if you are experiencing any further issues.
