If i need to convert TAB to SHP all i need to do is put them into the 'generate workspace' and it makes a workspace with the correct number of reader and writer feature types and copies across the attributes. HOWEVER, I cant do this with TAB to DWG files as it asks for the destination folder AND file name then merges all the input layers together into one file. I have therefore had to translate each file separately (and when you have about 60 files this takes ages)
Now I want to go one step further and add a clip function. I have 32 TAB files which i need to clip by a boundary and then write each file to DWG. Currently the only way i can see of doing this is making a workspace with 32 reader feature types, 32 clippers and 32 writer feature types (remembering each time to say copy attributes from reader and renameing)
Alternatively I could do just one flow and run it many times changing the reader and writer each time (which would be only margionally quicker than clipping and saving a copy in mapinfo one at a time)
Is there not a quicker way of doing this?
(I have been searching through the help and online but could not find an answer - i thought of using the fanout but you cant seem to fanout my input file name)