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There seems to be a bug in the FMEServerEmailGenerator transformer. I had some issues in FME 2015 and hoped it would be fixed in the newer realeses in 2016.

However when I recently updated to the present realese (2016 b16492) the problem still remains.

When attatching a file, or several, the JSON messege that builds from the transforemer add the attatchmet twice in the text_line_data output. Therefore the Email won't be sent to the receiver.

I have used a workaround with StringReplacers to get rid off one of the attatchments and made it work like it should. The problem is that I have to customize it every time I want to use a different massage or attribute to post. So it would be great to have this bug fixed in a new patch in the future.

Thanks in advance


Hi André,


Thank you for reporting this issue! Please test out the updated version of FMEServerEmailGenerator for FME 2016.1 Build 16492+ --

And since you are using FME 2016.1, you should also check out the new Emailer transformer!



Kind regards,



I installed the latest version of the transformer and tested to run a workspace but the problem seems to remain, unfortunately. Still two attatchments in the output.

Haven't tested the new Emailer transformer yet tho. Since I use the whole email function in workspaces that runs on FME server I don't realy need to use it because I already have spcified the STMP account etc. on the server.

No need to hurry, just wanted you to know the issue.

I installed the latest version of the transformer and tested to run a workspace but the problem seems to remain, unfortunately. Still two attatchments in the output.

Haven't tested the new Emailer transformer yet tho. Since I use the whole email function in workspaces that runs on FME server I don't realy need to use it because I already have spcified the STMP account etc. on the server.

No need to hurry, just wanted you to know the issue.

Hi André,

Please submit your workspace and source data to so that we can a deeper look. I am unable to reproduce the issue that you are experiencing.

If you are using an embedded version of the transformer, make sure to remove it from the canvas before adding the updated version 4. Also verify that the old definition (.fmx) has been removed from both ~/Documents/FME/Transformers/ and ~/AppData/Roaming/Safe Software/FME/FME Store/Transformers/ before loading FME 2016.1.

Kind regards,


