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Is there any way to determine the width (in coordinate units) of AutoCAD multiline text output?



I need to offset the text to the left for callout tags where the leader line leans to the left of the item they are describing (subtract width amount from x coordinate) - but I have yet to figure a way to extract the "rendered" width of the longest line to do so.
If this is not possible - what is a good way to calculate the longest line (in number of characters) so I can just use that and mutiply by an average width to get close?



have you looked at the StringLengthCalculator?



SLC is in bytes, is it not?



I use boundingbox on the text attribute and extract its dimensions.


You need to (trial and error) adjust the value somewhat.


It is very dependant on the font type.










and zoomed in:





There is a tcl/TkCmd Font (wich has for instance Measure function) Wich is in pixels tough.
