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Converting from
SQL to AutoCAD Map 2018 with the OD writer. I've exposed both the
autocad_map_odtable and autocad_layer format attribute then created the correct
values. Everything looks good as far as primary OD Table Name and Layer

Except that I get the OD Table
Name set through the exposed format attribute in addition to a OD Table Name
for each of the new layers defined.

understanding was that by exposing setting both the layer and OD Table format
attributes that the writer would suppress or only create on OD Table name?

My understanding was that by exposing setting both the layer and OD Table format attributes that the writer would suppress or only create one OD Table name?



In the writer, what is your parameter for Object Data Table or Layer Name?

The example below is the Object Table Name = fme_feature_type, AutoCAD Layer Name is different

thanks hlouie,

I had multiple feature writers in the work space as soon as I remove them then the workspace created one od table and passed the correct layer names for each of the subtypes.

Thanks for your help
