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I encountered a bug in the AIXM 4.5 writer. The  feature type "AIRSPACE_DERIVED_GEOMETRY" is mixing up the order of the elements in the resulting AIXM file. Therefor the output file is not valid against the AIXM 4.5 schema.

The XML fragment which looks like this in the source file (AseUid and codeOpr are alternating):

    <AdgUid mid="1">
        <AseUid mid="1">
    <AseUidBase mid="2">
    <AseUidComponent mid="3">
    <AseUidComponent mid="4">
    <AseUidComponent mid="5">

Are written like this into the destination file (AseUid and codeOpr are grouped together):

    <AdgUid mid="1">
        <AseUid mid="1">
    <AseUidBase mid="2">
    <AseUidComponent mid="3">
    <AseUidComponent mid="4">
    <AseUidComponent mid="5">

Please address and resolve this bug as AIXM 4.5 is still wide spread in the aviation community.

Hi @ssiegl,



Do you have a workspace you could share so that we can test to see if this was resolved in 2018? If you don't want to share it publically you can submit a case.




Hi @lizsanderson,

Thank you for investigating this case. Here
is a zip file ( with a simple workspace and a file with pseudo data
containing multiple different cases. 2 of them are valid in the output 2
of them are not.

