In the pictures below, i have a feature writer to arcgisonline. I want to upload my layers to ArcGIS Online, but i want to do it the dynamic way. i want it to write a new layer for each feature type, with the name of the feature type. So it should make a new feature layer for each feature type.
Now, i have set it to create if needed, with fme feature type as name, that should work. (screenshot 1).
Now, i have set my settings in screenshot 2, where the layer name is fme feature type, and the geometry comes from the schema definition. and the schema from the schema feature So far, so good, i believe. I have set feature operation to INSERT, but then i can only choose between truncate and use existing. But there is nothing existing?
Can someone see where ive made an error? Or what is missing?
The Errol message i got: could not find "groen_l", one of my feature types. The writer wants to use an existing feature layer, but i want to create a new one…