
write DGN with custom linestyles

  • 21 November 2017
  • 1 reply


Hey there,

I'm trying to write a v8 DesignFile with custom linestyles but I don't know which parameter to set for success.

The line style is already copied into the referenced seedfile and I tried setting parameter igds_style to for example 'Line A' (which is name of the style), then I tried using DGNStyler transformer to set style, but non of that worked. According to documentation I'm not allowed to set the styles name with v8, I tried the internal style-ID but without success.

Does the custom line styles have to be part of the attached resource-font-file or of the seedfile? And do I have to set igds_*-Parameters or use DGNStyler or is using both together breaking each other?

(I'm using Desktop 2016.1 here)

Thanks in advance,


1 reply


Hi @maikhertel

please take a look at this article in FME documentation: The article explains how to deal with custom linestiles (custom linestyle libraries, seed-file preparation, style assignment).
