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     I have had this question for a while and have tried to find an answer a few times, but those times usually get interrupted without a satisfactory answer being found as time is short of figuring out new stuff.



     I was wondering if there is a way, using FME Desktop, to pass information back through the workspacerunner transformer from the child to the parent at the time of completion of the child translation.



     In particular variables such as translation start time, end time, duration, also various information gathered during the translations such as an item count, some other summary statistics...



Thanks for any information.


In a two workspace scenario where the master contains a WorkspaceRunner and the slave receives the instructions of how to run... probably not without some work. It would also depend on where in your master process the slave was called because in theory the slave could write some of this information into an output target and the master could read that back as long as it did the read after the workspace was run.... you'd also need to read that info back with a Synchronous transformer like a FeatureReader.



I suspect it may be easier to do with more than one slave workspace, where the primary slave does the work and the secondary collates the results.
Using a Python shutdownscript on the slave workspace to write some information to a database or file and read this file in the master workspace to extract the values might be an option.
I know this is an old question but I have the exact same issue.  I don't know Python so would prefer to use existing transformers to do this.



Does anyone have a simple example of how this could be done with FeatureReader?
