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I need to calculate the least-cost path from a destination point to a source. In ArcGIS I use COST PATH based on the least-cost distance raster (by Cost Distance tool in ArcGIS).

is there a way to do something similar in FME? is the Network cost calculator transformer appropiate?

Best regards,

Felipe Verdú

Look at the NetworkCostCalculator but perhaps also the ShortestPathFinder.

Look at the NetworkCostCalculator but perhaps also the ShortestPathFinder.

@david_r I need a cost surface as input and I don't think the NetworkCostCalculator can use it. how can I set the cost on that transformer? or other transformer? :)


@david_r I need a cost surface as input and I don't think the NetworkCostCalculator can use it. how can I set the cost on that transformer? or other transformer? :)


I've never used those ArcGIS tools, so I've no idea what a cost surface is.


Generally speaking the FME transformers don't really translate 1:1 to some ArcGIS counterpart. The ArcGIS toolboxes are fairly solution-based, whereas the FME transformers are more task-based and also much more fine-grained. This means that you'll often need several/many FME transformers to get the same functionality as an ArcGIS toolbox, and I suspect that would be the case here.


Anyone solved this? Just to explain further, this would, for example add a "cost" to the distance between a point and its closest neighbour based on one or more surfaces (for example elevation). And it may or may not be via a vector network.

Hi @braggken​ I didn't continue to solve it via FME but as you said this is quite relevant.

Do you have any ideas?
