I'm trying to write a a few 3D buffered lines into an IFC file. Buffering the lines to solids works fine, resulting in IFMEMultiSurface geometries which in itself consist of a good amount of IFMEFace geometries.
When writing to IFC, I'm creating these features:
1 IfcSite
1 IfcProject
1 PropertySetDefinition
700 IfcProxy (my buffered lines)
In the log I get the following warning while no features are written:
IFC: Unable to write a geometry of type 'IFMEFace' with representation identifier 'Body'
... Last line repeated 65059 times ...
Any help would be appreciated. I can't find any documentation on 'representation identifiers' and how they influence writing IFMEFace geometries to IFC.
FME 2020.1.2 b20620