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Dear FME Professionals,



I have 71 layers in a FGDB, some are tables and some are feature classes. I have to convert to individual XML and GML for each feature class resepctively.



Since the sample dataset contains 15 feature classes which do not have any record. Howerver, I still want to have the output GML even there is no feature in the reader.



After I checked from the community, I set the parameter "Ignore Failed Readers" to "Yes" in the workspace and I also changed the parameters "Write all the feature type" of all the writers to "Yes".



But there is still no file can be exported from the empty record reader.



Would anyone can adivse for this? Highly appreciate for any idea.



Thanks and regards









Is it the feature' s schema you are interested in when no features are read?


I would try to identify the readers returning no features and use the dataset to open a second workspace.


There I would use the schema reader to grab the schema and write it.



Never really tired it myself...but a possible suggestion.



Hi Itay,



Thanks for the suggestion.



As my features no. in the FGDB will be changed daily. That may not be the best way to identify it. 



Should there workaround to identify the FGDB with no feature automatically and write the schema if this situation is true?






