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I use the transformer Bufferer in a workbench.

I don't understand the result pour some features for which I have an ellipse in result (fme_geometry = fme_point, fme_type = fme_ellipse).

I join a very simple fmw (2022.2) with 2 polygons.

What parameters should I take to always have features with fme_type=fme_area et fme_geometry=fme_polygon ?



This is some behaviour I have noticed as well and raised with the team as a bug and they don't seem too concerned. Basically if your buffer radius is more than 50x or 100x the longest dimension of an input line or polygon feature being buffered, it will stop behaving s you would expect, basically the approximation of a buffer around a point becomes equivalent.

You can pass it through an ArcStroker to convert geometries with arcs into regular polygons
